Saturday, September 12, 2009

Christmas List 2009

Here is the list! Your name is listed then who you are getting a gift for. If you have any suggestions of what someone could get for you (your List!) leave it in the comments!

Beau- Paige
Emily- Derrick
Echo- Hallie
Porter- Urban
Piper- Layla

Justin- Devan
Elsie- Emily
Layla- Echo
Hazel- Piper
Urban- Owen

Derrick- Elsie
Katelyn- Beau
Owen- Porter
Hallie- Hazel

Devan- Justin
Paige- Katelyn


Justin and Elsie Walker Family said...

Who in the crud is Derrick?

dkwalkerfam said...

that is what I say... who the "H" is that??